

Intensives: Sydney March 1,2,3,4 /Toronto May/New York June/London August

$699 Equity/M.E.A.A
$699 Concession/Pension (only with valid ID or Bond Fide C.V.)
$799 Full Fee

Payment methods: 
Bank transfer
Bank Cheque
Paypal (client pays fees)
Credit Card (only available via Paypal
and the client pays fees 3.4%)

Fees are due as follows:
A deposit of 50% upon acceptance.
The final balance two weeks before commencement.
Once the Masterclass has commenced participants are liable to pay the total amount
regardless of non-
attendance, illness or change of mind.
No refunds are offered on deposits. 
A credit voucher for a future workshop may be  offered on compassionate grounds.