Los Angeles 2019
Lindy Davies Masterclass
The Intuitive Actor… the path to autonomy
Lindy Davies has strongly influenced many actors, including Cate Blanchett, Dame Harriet Walter and Julie Christie.
Intuition is the defining principle of her process and as such provides a revolutionary approach to the art of the actor.
"The actor transforms words into experience" – Lindy Davies
Dates TBA
What people are saying about the Lindy Davies' Masterclass
"I discovered the beauty in all that is me, the adventurer, the artist, the rockstar, the vagabond, the lover, the fighter, etc…"
"…the responsible adult in me who was retrieving every step of the path, witnessed the growth and understanding of the infinite possibilities that are molecules away, the sensory gifts and colours that provide an array of avenues to dance in and play with."
"I came away from the weekend with a feeling of presence, a way of being, it wasn’t tangible like a memory or image but a deep knowledge that shadowed me and supported me."
"My understanding of forgiveness grew immensely and how it’s absolutely necessary in order to survive and thrive as an artist, this is something I will work into my daily existence."
"Lindy seamlessly creates a space for the actor
to realize his own presence, where you are exposing
your own heart over and over again, with zero effort.
It's magical!!"
"Lindy's process allows the actor to find a pathway that
enables freedom, intelligence and a deep intuitive landscape…"
"Thank you for the weekend wonder. I’m so blessed to
have been part of it. The space you create is always magical."
"Lindy is a rare teacher, a fierce theatre practitioner and an immensely generous spirit…"
"I had a wonderful weekend. It was lovely to put myself back in touch with my instincts and intuition, in such a simple but profound way. It's always there, and I know it is my true self, my depth."
"Your approach to the work is the most truthful and simple and nourishing and profound approach that I have ever encountered, and I have worked and studied with some of the best."
"You have your finger on the pulse of acting more than anyone I've ever met."
"I connected to a pure joy that is ancient in my body, it was the five year old me, one who didn’t care about what he looks like or how he’s being received but a boy who loves to laugh, play and explore."
"Thank you Lindy for your immense talent and knowledge, your essence is intoxicating, your quest for truth and love of exploration charged my batteries."
"Lindy has given me the greatest gift - I have deeply
realized that my intuition and imagination are all
I need, in fact they are all I am! It is the bedrock of my talent. I am enough, I can fully trust that within myself. She helped me to wake up! What a gift."
"A wonderful experience, empowering, enlightening
and entertaining…"